
Work with me

If you feel out of control around food - it's normal to feel alone.

But you don't have to feel that way anymore. See what I got for you below!


It’s Sunday night, and you just finished the last scoop of Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked. You. Cannot. Move. Because before that Ben & Jerry’s, there was pizza. Before the pizza, you were munching on chips and salsa. Before the chips and salsa? You were at a family party and all you ate was a salad. You’re on a diet, duh.

Unfortunately, this is extremely familiar territory, because it’s the dance you’ve been doing for way too long. Eat perfect - give in - feel terrible - try to eat perfect. The cycle continues, and sometimes it's without you even knowing.

The binges and the restrictions all begin to mesh together, and you can’t even remember when it starts or ends. All you know is you gained more weight than ever before, you absolutely hate the way you look, you have a terrible relationship with food, and you cannot enjoy a small snack without hating yourself for giving in. 

Diet culture has taught you that it’s your fault. That you have no willpower. That crushing your Keto diet is simple, anyone can do it, and you’re never going to get the body you want. 

The diet industry is a $72 billion dollar industry for a reason. They want you to fail. They want your money. They want to keep you in this cycle of dieting, overeating, hating yourself, and trying a new diet to lose weight. 

IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. You’ve just been taught all wrong. 

I am here to change that. I've helped thousands of women all over the world - are you ready to be next?



It’s Sunday night, and you just finished the last scoop of Ben & Jerry’s Half Baked. You. Cannot. Move.

Because before that Ben & Jerry’s, there was pizza. Before the pizza, you were munching on chips and salsa. Before the chips and salsa? You were at a family party and all you ate was a salad. You’re on a diet, duh.

Unfortunately, this is extremely familiar territory, because it’s the dance you’ve been doing for way too long. Eat perfect - give in - feel terrible - try to eat perfect. The cycle continues, and sometimes it's without you even knowing.

The binges and the restrictions all begin to mesh together, and you can’t even remember when it starts or ends. All you know is you gained more weight than ever before, you absolutely hate the way you look, you have a terrible relationship with food, and you cannot enjoy a small snack without hating yourself for giving in. 

Diet culture has taught you that it’s your fault. That you have no willpower. That crushing your Keto diet is simple, anyone can do it, and you’re never going to get the body you want. 

The diet industry is a $72 billion dollar industry for a reason. They want you to fail. They want your money. They want to keep you in this cycle of dieting, overeating, hating yourself, and trying a new diet to lose weight. 

IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT. You’ve just been taught all wrong. 

I am here to change that. I've helped thousands of women all over the world - are you ready to be next?




Food Freedom Society

FFS is the simple system to stop binge eating & overeating for GOOD.

Join over 1,800+ women inside and get courses, coaching, calls & support from Kelly & the FFS team of expert coaches.




The Food Freedom Course

The kickstart guide to end overeating based on your personality type. Get the answers you need for specific scenarios right away!

No matter what & why you eat - get the quick no-nonsense approach to finally break free




30 Days 1:1 Messaging Support 

Want guidance, coaching and support in the most intimate setting possible? 

Fill out the questionnaire below, and Kelly will be in touch with a Free 20 minute Clarity Call.

*limited spots available 


Why work with me

I’ve been where you are

I have done every diet under the sun. I have looked in the mirror and truly hated who I was, how I looked, and would do anything to change. So many tears have been shed, so many social events missed, so many pleads with myself begging to ‘just lose weight this once.’ I know, understand, and feel everything that you feel.

I connect deeply. 

Your wins are my wins. Your struggles are my struggles. Your level of excitement when you realize you aren’t guilty around food anymore is my….. Well, you get the gist! We may not be connected at the hip, but we will be connected in every which way. You FINALLY have someone to turn to that just ‘gets it,’ and wants you to win as badly as you do

My experiences + background align

Not only have I been through the trenches like you, but I have the education and credentials to back it up. Health, food freedom and helping others has been my passion since day one - and I have the certifications, books, papers, and knowledge to show for it.


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